Friday, October 2, 2015

Insurance Companies in Nevada are always responsible when their insured cause an accident that is their fault

      It happens occasionally that when someone drives their car negligently and hits someone else causing them injury they will not notify their insurance company about it. This is a big problem because the main reason for having automobile insurance is that the insurance company will pay for it if one of their insured causes injury to someone else with their vehicle. Although the insurance company doesn't always pay out everything for a case depending on how big the policy is, this is what happens in the overwhelming majority of these situations.
    The problem is that if the insurance company is not notified of an accident, they can't take the steps necessary to handle the claim, and make sure the case gets resolved. Ideally, an insurance company will resolve a case before their insured has to get personally involved in it. Most of the time they can avoid having their insured be sued by settling the claim quickly and fairly.
    The good news is that the insurance company will still be responsible for paying out under the policy if their insured driver was at fault for the accident, even if the driver does not notify them. This has been clearly set out in the Nevada Statutes, and confirmed by the Nevada Supreme Court this year. So as long as the person that caused the accident has an insurance policy, that insurance policy must pay out.

If you or anyone you know has been involved in an accident please visit our website at or call our number at 702-343-0494.

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